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Looking for answers?
We strive to provide top support to our users.  Below is a list of categories that our users commonly need more information on.  Click on the category that matches your question and read more about it. 

Service Highlights
Special Software
Faxing Costs
Hidden Fees
Payment Methods
Signing Up
Browser compatibility

 Using The VFM Service
Junk Faxes
Receiving Faxes While Traveling
Data Privacy
Sending Faxes Using Email
Sending Faxes From Your Desktop
Supported Document Types
Viewing TIF email attachments
Send A Fax Online
Virtual Fax Machine Fax Printer Guide

Can't find an answer?
Our support staff is ready to help you. Go to our Contact Us page and request help via email.

Printing Receipts or Statements
Add Users To My Account Closing Your Account

 Using The Bulk Service
Bulk Pricing
How Do I Send A Bulk Fax?
Document Management - What do I use and how?
Supported List Types - What kind of list can I upload?
Reducing Costs
Remove Me Service (IVR)
Batch Details

Just Ask Judy Podcasts
Helpful tips and insights via MP3 audio.  Listen and learn!

New!  Automating Fax Transmissions
Learn how to use our service with your server based processes and get your faxes out.  Use email or our SOAP based web service to connect and automate your inbound and outbound faxing needs.


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