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Supported List Types - What type of lists can I upload?
Currently we support text files with data seperated by fixed widths or delimiters. The only required column in your file is the fax number. The full file format that we support is as follows:
  • FirstName, 50 characters
  • MiddleName, 50 characters
  • LastName, 50 characters
  • DestinationType, numeric (1 = fax, 2 = email)
  • EmailAddress, 50 characters
  • Company, 50 characters
  • Fax, 50 characters
  • Address1, 255 characters
  • Address2, 255 characters
  • Address3, 255 characters
  • City, 50 characters
  • State, 50 characters
  • PostalCode, 50 characters
  • Salutation, 20 characters
  • SIC, 4 characters
  • Phone, 50 characters
  • UserDefined1, 255 characters
  • UserDefined2, 255 characters
  • UserDefined3, 255 characters
  • UserDefined4, 255 characters
  • UserDefined5, 255 characters

Click here to download a sample text file.

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