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Supported Document Types
Currently we are able to process the following document types:

  • Microsoft Word 95-2002 and Wordpad (.doc)
  • Microsoft Excel 95-2002 (.xls)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 95-2002 (.ppt)
  • Microsoft Publisher 95-2002 (.pub)
  • Text (.txt)
  • JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg)
  • Windows Bitmap (.bmp)
  • TIFF (.tif, .tiff)
  • Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)
  • HTML (.htm, .html)
  • RTF (.rtf)
  • PNG (.png)

Macintosh and Unix users need to format their file names to end with one of the extensions listed above that matches the document type being submitted.  If you have a specific document type that is not on this list, contact us and request it.

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